We Build ‘Turn-Key’ Articles
We produce and place “Plug In” articles in magazine and websites. We “Ghost Write” copy and articles.
Article Placement and Production
Are you using your ad-buying ‘Leverage’? We maximize ad programs with editorial. What kind of article would you like to see on your products?
Press Kits and Releases
We write press releases and press kits. Media outlets want to know about your products. Remember, they have to fill their pages every issue. Why not with your company and products?
Technical and How-To
Showcase your products in an article. Tech and How-To articles are the most requested by editors. Where do you want to see your products?
Case Studies/Company History
Have a great customer testimonial? Use those stories internally in sales, press releases or as articles. Document or update your company’s history.
Web Content
Keep your web readers coming back. Provide fresh content and original copy. Blogs, too! Customers want to know about your products. Show them how they work.
Marketing Assistance
We create racing, marketing, contingency and motorsports programs. We assist magazines with project cars and product-related articles. We can help your communications and motorsports departments.